Sunday, December 26, 2010

I think I just got saved... Part 1

Over the last six-eight months I have been reading the book of Romans, and it has gradually begun to work on my heart. I expected to add Romans to a couple of other books I have a decent knowledge of content. What I didn't expect was for the book to challenge and change my idea of God, the bible and myself. I know that was an unrealistic view of reading the most anointed book ever written, but what can I say, I'm human.

I've had to deal with my own issues these months,(just like every other month) but I have dealt with it just like I dealt with every other season of my life. I do my best, I fail, I feel sad, apoligize, I grow then try again. That's not a bad plan, but I'm pretty sure that's not the plan for me. Yesterday I took a second to look at my life and this is what I came up with; I was circumsised when I was eight days old, I grew up in semi/heavy religious culture(that had some sense of a law in rules), and I love God. I think that makes me a Jew, doesn't it?

1 comment:

  1. Pete,
    I'm going to go through Romans on the church's face book page starting in January, would love to have you add any insights/comments to it.

    Bill Neylon
